Duration: 5 minutes
We could just be a chance in chaos. A blip, in the bigger scheme of things. Yet we put in so much effort to make. We make and break and make again. Beyond the constructions of social information, we yearn to go back to that fundamental block of our existence. Our need to make. We make beds, we make trains, we make art, we make collective imaginations. And we keep trying to find meaning in all of it. Maybe to know oneself, is to make. It is easy to sit idle. Or is it?
Performance footage from:
'Green Room' directed by Manishikha Baul, shot by Yashas Chandra; 'A Brief History of the Pantomimes' directed by Neel Chaudhuri
'Rakshas' directed by Bikram Ghosh; 'Dastaan Live' directed by Anirbaan Ghosh and Sumant Balakrishnan.
This film was submitted as a part of the Quarantine Video Project by OddBird Theatre & Foundation.